New Job Update
The Hunsicker’s cheer on their new favorite minor league baseball team: the Rocket City Trash Pandas!
New Job
I am a little slow to update my website. I’ve been incredibly busy for the last several months. I spent most of March traveling, interviewing with different churches about open pastoral positions. In April, Barbara and I decided to receive a call for me to become associate pastor at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Huntsville, Alabama. Since then, I have been preparing for the move and tying up loose ends in Pasadena. On May 6, the Committee on Ministry for the Presbytery of North Alabama examined me and recommended me to the Presbytery. On May 26, the congregation at Covenant Presbyterian Church voted to accept the terms of call.
I am writing this from a hotel room in Albuquerque. Barbara and Felicity went to Memphis on Thursday, and I oversaw the moving company loading up all our possessions on Friday. Yesterday, I left Pasadena for good, driving to Flagstaff, AZ with my brother. Today, we spent a few hours at the Grand Canyon before coming to ABQ. I will arrive in Huntsville on June 5, begin work on June 7, and be examined by the Presbytery on June 11.
Its been a whirlwind and I hope to resume more regular blogging and writing in the near future. In the meantime, I am just trying to get everything accomplished in time.