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Refo500: A Year in Review

Refo500: A Year in Review


One year ago, I began a new series of blog posts I called “Refo500” in honor of the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s reformation. The goal was to publish one blog post a month reviewing one of Luther’s major texts from the new Fortress Press Annotated Luther series. I made it through about 6 of the planned 12 blogs. Things got a little difficult for me when I complicated my reading load by beginning a new series for 2018 where I intended to read a book a week (so far, also behind schedule but somewhere in the 30s). Between the two, it was probably too much.

That being said, I loved reading through Luther and would like to extend the project a little. I’m not going to try and catch up with Luther; that is behind me now. But year two will be about Calvin. Mostly, I want to read a selection of Calvin’s Commentaries on Scripture. I think the goal will be to read his Harmony of the Gospels and Harmony of the Law. If there is time beyond that, perhaps his Commentary on Psalms.

In the meantime, here are the links to last years Luther blogs:

  1. The 95 Theses

  2. The Freedom of a Christian

  3. The Bondage of the Will

  4. The Smalcald Articles

  5. The Babylonian Captivity of the Church

  6. On the Councils and the Churches