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Buy This Book: Kyle Bennett's Practices of Love

Today, Brazos Press releases Kyle Bennett's Practices of Love. Kyle preceded me at Fuller by a few years. His work has focused mostly on phenomenology and using continental philosophy to articulate an embodied faith. I expect this work to continue to push that project in an accessible way.

I've ordered an exam copy and if it is the book I think it is, I will be adopting it for the "Theology and the Christian Life" class I teach in the Spring. Generally, I come at this topic from a perspective informed more by analytic philosophy and the linguistic philosophy of WIttgenstein and J.L. Austin., but I expect there will be a great deal of overlap in some of the main points. I'm eager to see how it turned out.

In the meantime, check the book out for yourself. It is very reasonably priced and will be a good read for teenagers to adults. If you want to know more about Kyle's work, you should check out his webpage.